Adult Waiver & Release Form

Adult Release and Waiver

I represent that I am over the age of 18, and understand that I am using the exercise progressions and other Content on this Site at my own risk. I represent and affirm that I alone am responsible for my decisions in the use of this Site, and I will not attempt to hold Phoenix liable for any physical injury or death arising out of or relating to my use of the Site and its Content.

I understand that it is critical to follow all directions on the Site carefully, to use sound judgment and accurately monitor my results. I understand and agree that Phoenix is relying on my own assessment and the assessment of my medical practitioner if any, of my physical and mental fitness, suitability, and capability to participate in the exercise progressions contained on the Site. I understand and agree that Phoenix has no obligation or ability to verify my initial assessment before I begin participation, or to verify my progress during my use of the Site. I understand and agree that I and my medical practitioner remain solely responsible for determining and monitoring these things, and all consequences of using the Site and its Contents.

I acknowledge that all exercise involves inherent risks, and I assume full responsibility for all risks, injuries or damage knowns or unknown which I might incur as a result of participating in the exercises included in this Site. I understand and acknowledge that such injuries may include, but are not limited to, heart attacks, soft tissue injuries including muscle and tendon strains and tears, broken bones, shin splints, other illness or soreness, including death.

I expressly agree and contract, on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, to release, hold harmless, defend and indemnify Phoenix, its employees, members, managers, affiliates, agents, officers, directors, insurers and their successors in interest (collectively “Phoenix”), from all liability for injury, death, property loss and damage which results from my use of the Site and the Contents, including, to the greatest extent allowed by law, all liability which results from the negligence or gross negligence of Phoenix or any other person or cause.

By creating an Account and participating in the Return to Life & Sport Progression I acknowledge my acceptance of this waiver.