concussion, brain injury and helmet, helmet preventing concussion, concussion helmet, football helmet, soccer helmet, hockey helmet, lacrosse helmet

This blog has been dedicated to the these frequently asked questions in our concussion clinics: 1) “What is the best helmet for  my child?” 2) “What exactly happens during a head injury?” The following information comes from our friends at the first ever UCLA Sport-Related Concussion Conference from January, 2017. Thanks to Dr. Christopher Giza […]

types of concussion, grades of concussion, severity of concussion, symptoms of concussion

On January 27, 2017, Melinda and I attended the first ever Sports-Related Concussion Conference at UCLA featuring the data from the NCAA-DOD study going on nationwide right now! I believe this blog will have to be 2 or 3 parts due to the incredible content presented this weekend.  Some of the data is ahead of […]